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MRI Scans



Advising on clinical trial design and biomarker selection


Implementing new and common imaging methodologies in research studies and trials


Assisting with government grant proposals and offering training workshops


Using brain oxygen extraction fraction as a new diagnostic screening tool to predict stroke recurrence

Optimizing lymphatic fluid mobilization therapies in patients undergoing cancer therapies

Using molecular tissue signatures to identify phenotypic manifestations of  fat disorders



National Institutes of Health funded academic research teams across major United States medical centers and universities

Pharmaceutical industries running early-stage clinical trials

Healthcare technology companies seeking to validate new therapeutic tools 



Biosight Consulting, LLC is a pioneering consulting company based in Nashville, TN focused on accelerating healthcare advances by designing more impactful and affordable research studies and clinical trials. Biosight began as primarily a consulting service in 2019 and since has grown into a clinical research organizing helping to manage Phase 1 and 2 clinical trials that require affordable and customized biomarker development and implementation. 

Many investigator and even industry-led healthcare trials remain focused on the longstanding belief that blind randomization of participants into treatment arms provides the most impactful outcomes, and success is often evaluated by very coarse endpoints. Imagine if current technologies could be used to triage patients for therapies based on personal tissue signatures and how likely each patient is to benefit, and success evaluated by objective internal measures of tissue health. This personalized approach to healthcare requires knowledge of the most relevant technologies and therapies available and intelligent trial design that incorporates these aspects in a scientifically responsible manner.

At Biosight, our team has experience supporting biomarker development and clinical trial design for more than 15 years, and we provide consulting services to ensure that the correct biomarkers are utilized to evaluate new clinical hypotheses. Our clients span pharmacology and healthcare technology industries, as well as government-funded investigators at academic centers.


We have expertise developing new imaging and related biomarkers at some of the largest academic centers across the world, including Johns Hopkins University, Oxford University, Harvard Medical School, and Vanderbilt Medical Center. Our goal is to improve the lives of patients by ensuring that clinical trials are designed and performed using the very best tools available.

Manus J. Donahue, MBA, PhD



Young Doctor

Tel: 615.939.2869

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